Movement intensive

Movement intensive

The Bamboo Body (map)

We invite you to participate in the intensive study week with The Bamboo Body in the beautiful city of Barcelona where you will learn in depth about the philosophy and methodology behind the generalist approach to movement. This is a great opportunity to share practice with other dedicated practitioners and acquire tools and strategies for your further development. The classes will be taught by our founder Anna. With over 15 years of experience in a variety of sports and over 10 years studying with Ido Portal and his team, she has accumulated a body of knowledge that allows her to guide anyone into the complex world of self-discovery through movement. Working with people from all walks of life, from professional athletes to office workers with no previous background in physical practice, Anna has developed a pedagogy that creates an individual approach for each student and helps them navigate through the process of building movement skills, developing a resilient body and learning through this process deeper truths about themselves.